We humans have anxiety to fail. We are afraid of being laughed at. But when you dance in the dark, you are free!
In 1984, when I first heard Dancing In the Dark, I thought it was a pretty girl Bruce raised to stage … Lucky him, I thought! Later when I saw Friends, I thought Monica was a so pretty girl … Later I found out that it was the same girl! Now the plasticsurgeons in LA have ruined some face, chest, and so on. But wow; Courteney was a pretty girl, and what a great song!
Painting 93. “Dancing In the Dark” 80×60. Oil on canvas.
I listened to ‘Bruce Springsteen´ “Dancing In the Dark”.
Vi har så meget fejl angst, og angst for at mislykkes. Vi er bange for at blive til grin… Men når du danser i mørket, er du fri!
I 1984 hvor jeg første gang hørte Dancing In the Dark syntes jeg godt nok det var en køn pige Bruce hev op på scenen… Heldige ham, tænkte jeg! Senere da jeg så Friends syntes jeg godt nok Monica var en køn pige… Senere fandt jeg så ud af at det var den samme Nu har plastikkirurgerne i LA ødelagt en del ansigt og bryst, osv. men hvor var Courteney dog en køn pige, og sikke en go’ sang.
Maleri nr. 93. “Dancing in The Dark” 80×60. Olie på hørlærred.
Jeg lyttede til ‘Bruce Springsteen´ “Dancing In the Dark”.